OUR objectives
To encourage manufacturing excellence and specialist expertise.
To help members achieve their personal aspirations, fulfil their career ambitions and develop their innate potential.
To support lifelong learning and encourage education in management and specialist areas.
To give professional recognition to the knowledge and skills of manufacturers and specialists.
Message from the President
I should like to take this opportunity of welcoming you to our website and also to thank all those who have contributed in the design and formulation of a superlative site worthy of our Institute. As your President it is incumbent upon me to thoroughly evaluate all we have thus far succeeded in doing – and to take our professional body even further. This is a demanding challenge and, by so doing, it is my intention to attract more members by offering our full backing in their professional progress, thus ensuring the growth and strength necessary to meet the challenges of the future.
The Institute has developed a dual Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Management to help engineers working in manufacturing to further develop their knowledge
For more information see here
The Institute is offerring a free Foundations of Accounting program (level 4) for members wishing to develop their management skill set.
The Executive Diploma in Manufacturing Management has been accepted for the first year of studies for an MBA with a number of Universities.
For more information, please contact the Institute
Certified Manufacturing Practitioners Award

The Certified Manufacturing Practitioner award has been developed to create a recognised qualification for manangers of manufacturing organisations.
It has been designed to combine generic management knowledge with manufacturing experience.
It is available to Associate Members, Full Members, Fellows or Companion Members with appropriate manufacturing experience.